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Create a Wright-inspired viewfinder to explore how nature and geometry are related.
90 minutes
3-5 / K-2
Explore / Interpret / Look
Math / Science / Visual Arts
Learn about the “total work of art” design philosophy and compare it to Wright’s concept of “organic architecture”. Design an interior room as one cohesive work of art.
120 minutes
Design / Interpret / Look
Language Arts / Media Literacy / Social Studies / Visual Arts
Design a tree-house inspired by Wright’s concept of Organic Architecture.
25 minutes
Design / Interpret
Science / Visual Arts
Discover how colors and patterns are repeated throughout Wright’s interior spaces. Then, apply those colors and patterns to an original weaving.
120 minutes
6-8 / 9-12
Build / Design / Explore / Interpret / Look
Social Studies / Visual Arts
Reflect upon Wright’s work by sketching elements of the Robie House, then transforming those sketches into concrete poems.
100 minutes
6-8 / 9-12
Design / Interpret / Look
Language Arts / Visual Arts
Investigate buildings Wright designed to uncover the unique geometry that was at the heart of his design legacy.
45 minutes
3-5 / K-2
Explore / Look
Language Arts / Math / Visual Arts
Explore Wright’s Pathway of Discovery at the Frederick C. Robie House and interpret your experience through sculpture.
60 minutes
Build / Design / Explore / Interpret / Look
Language Arts / Social Studies / Visual Arts
Investigate the Robie House and respond to Wright’s vision by designing unique garments inspired by his iconic architecture.
Design by Hana Chang, SAIC Student
0 minutes
Design / Explore / Interpret / Look
Social Studies / Visual Arts
Research the historical context of Wright’s designs before creating a timeline.
100 minutes
Design / Explore / Interpret
Media Literacy / Social Studies / Visual Arts
Write a nature-inspired poem and use it as inspiration for an original art glass design.
200 minutes
3-5 / 6-8
Design / Interpret / Look
Language Arts / Social-Emotional Learning / Visual Arts
Model yoga poses to represent shapes, much like the geometric drawings of nature created by Frank Lloyd Wright.
45 minutes
3-5 / 6-8
Design / Explore / Interpret / Look
Math / Physical Education / Visual Arts